Committing to a positive mindset
It's easy to say that you will try to be more positive, although many people don't really understand what that means and the word 'try' is the critical failure point in that commitment.
In the words of Yoda..."No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.”
Nuture vs Nature
Some people are more naturally optimistic and more positive than others, it has to do with our brain chemistry. That's NOT a reason to STOP! There is so much research in the field of Positive Psychology that points to the benefits of positive thought. Everyone benefits from consciously putting effort into thinking and behaving in a more positive way.
And when combined with the concepts of a Growth Mindset...we can all learn and master better ways of thinking, living and being!
Principles for a Positive Life! Self regulation is the key...
I've reflected and read extensively on concepts related to positivity and make it a daily habit to consciously consider how I can inject more positivity into my life. For me, this is the foundation for living a happy and fulfilled life.
As I was about to write about 'the rules that I live by', I realised that I find the concept of 'rules' to be inherently limiting and in some way negative. So, here are my 'Principles for a Positive Life'...